Australia’s geological setting made it an abundant resource of mineral wealth. Australia is self-sufficient in most industrial mineral commodities, has produced and exported wider range of mineral products than most countries with mining industries.

​One significant source of the country’s minerals is the Northern Territory. Mining sector accounts for the 15% of NT’s gross state product and its economy is largely driven by it.
Numerous minerals such as gold, iron ore, uranium, bauxite, black coal, zinc, magnesite, manganese ore and heavy mineral sands are mined in the Northern Territory via through major mining sites:
McArthur River
Alcan Gove
Edna Beryl
Bootu Greek
Granites Gold
The demand for a reliable supplier of high quality minerals within Australia and abroad has pushed mining industries in Northern Territory to develop innovative mining processing at competitive costs.
Bulk Handling Technologies is a Western Australian company based in Perth, Western Australia. BHT is a specialist OEM designing, manufacturing, assembling and testing, equipment and systems for bespoke bulk materials and reagent. BHT’s bulk material handling equipment adopt Australian industry standards, mining experience and offer bulk material handling solutions according to client driven specifications.
We work with mining industries in Northern Territory in supply and manufacture of bulk materials handling equipment, parts and systems within NT. From handling hard rocks, fine powders, filter cakes and other dry materials such as ores, wood chips, coals, sand, gravel or stone in loose bulk form, Bulk Handling Technologies can design, manufacture and supply the right storage, loading/ unloading equipment, conveying and elevating systems and feeding equipment.